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The Gematria Calculator app is designed to help users find the meanings of words and phrases through numerology. In addition to English methods, the app also offers Hebrew Gematria methods. Shematria.com is another free online gematria calculator that supports Biblical, Genesis, Hebrew, Reverse Cipher. You can enter words in Hebrew, English, Arabic, or Greek or look up a number. With that, it shows you the gematria of the input in all the supported gematria ciphers. GematriaCalculator.us is another simple online gematria calculator website. The gematria calculator here is almost identical to what you get on GematriaCalculatorApp.com. This includes 3 variations of Jewish gematria, 9 variations of English gematria, 8 variations of Mathematical gematria, and more. You can pick the ciphers you want to calculate and go ahead with that. The calculator gives you the gematria of the input for all the selected ciphers. Doing this expands that section revealing a character-wise gematria breakdown of your input. This calculator supports Simple gematria, English gematria, and Hebrew/Jewish gematria. Below that, it gives you a character breakdown of each gematria as well. You may provide certain personal data (such as email address) when you sign up for the Zemanta Services or otherwise communicate or interact with us.